The Indian Air Force has made eight Advanced Landing Grounds in Arunachal Pradesh with a cost of 720 crores. It will enable operations by the military at the base of near China border. Out of the total of eight ALG, others are at Ziro, Aalo, Pasighat, Tawang, Mechuka, Walong, and Tuting.
Who inaugurated the runway of ALG? |
Eastern Army commander lieutenant general Anil Chauhan and Eastern Air Commander Air Marshal RD Mathur inaugurated the runway
What are the benefits of ALG? |
1) It is a remote area, and the movement of larger transport aircraft will be enabled from this place
2) The ALG is located where the management of borders with China and Myanmar can become easier
3) Indian Air Force and Indian Army will get supplies in base camps and remote locations through Vijaynagar ALG
4) It will be helpful for any joint operation by IAF and the Indian Army
Why is it important? |
India shares 1643 km border with Myanmar and 3488 km border with China. However, Arunachal Pradesh alone shares 1126 km length of India-China border called Line of Actual Control (LAC). The new ALG will provide a lead to IAF for any conflict with Myanmar or China.
What is the background of ALG? |
The government of Arunachal Pradesh and Ministry of Defence signed an MoU in 2009 to construct an ALG in the region. The Vijaynagar ALG made operational in the year 2011-12. Since there is no road connectivity with Vijaynagar, IAF station at Jorhat coordinated to airlift all the loads.