Archaeology is an interdisciplinary activity that revolves around the investigation of material development made by earlier human societies. The objective of this discipline is to study past human cultures by identification, survey, and exhibit of historical sites. As a multidisciplinary activity and a vast array of subjects such as anthropology, art history, chemistry, classical literature, geology, history, information technology, linguistics, physics, statistics, and so on
What would it cost me for the Archaeology course?
It does not cost too much to pursue your studies in this field. To complete a bachelor’s or a postgraduate degree in this field, the cost is similar to other arts and social science subjects
How much scholarship can you get in doing the Archaeology course?
Students who get admission into the two years Postgraduate Diploma program in Archaeology get a stipend of Rs 1,500 each. Postgraduate students of archaeology who get through the National Eligibility Test (NET) or the Junior Research Fellowship examination conducted by the University Grants Commission are eligible to take doctorate studies at the starting of junior research fellow. The monthly remuneration of JRF is Rs 8,000 per month
What should be your Salary in the field of Archaeology?
A JRF gets an assistance of Rs 8000 per month for two years. Emoluments are increased when their position is promoted to Senior Research Fellow (SRF). The package of lecturers is around Rs 20,000 per month, whereas professors earn even higher than this.
After joining the Archaeological Survey of India, the basic package of assistant archaeologists is in the range between Rs 10,000 to Rs 15,000 per month approximately. The monthly salary of the director-general of ASI is around Rs 30,000 per month
What are the different roles and different names in the field of Archaeology?
1) Archaeobotany: Study of the food habits of the people, and climatic conditions, etc
2) Archaeozoology: Branch of Archaeology that looks into the remains of animals and related aspects such as their health, domestication, hunting practices, and so on
3) Archaeometry: It is the application of analytical engineering principles and process to archaeology
4) Battlefield Archaeology: Intensive archaeological exploration of well-known battlefields
5) Environmental Archaeology: Studies the impact of the environment on past societies and vice-versa
6) Ethno Archaeology
7) Experimental Archaeology
8) Geoarchaeology
9) Marine Archaeology
10) Paleontology
11)Prehistoric Archaeology
12)Urban Archaeology
What are the top companies involved in the field of Archaeology?
1) Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
2) Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)
3) National Museum
4) Universities and colleges
5) Government and private museums and cultural galleries