Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship Scheme launched by the Ministry of Education, Govt of Haryana. Under this scheme, one student in each boy category and one student in each girl category studying from class 6th to class 12th in each school who stood first of the class in Annual examination are eligible to get this scholarship. This will provide Rs 750 to Rs 1000 as a benefit.
Who is eligible for getting this scholarship? |
Students who are the residence of Haryana and belong to the middle-class family can apply to the scheme.
what are the benefits of Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship scheme? |
1)A scheme provides benefits in the form of financial assistance.
2)Under this scheme, the incentive will be awarded Rs 750 to students studying in class 6 to class 8
3)Under this scheme Rs, 1000 will be to the students of High and senior secondary classes.
What is the eligibility for getting the Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship scheme? |
1)You must be a residence of Haryana.
2)One student each in the boy category and each in girl category studying in class 6th to class 12th who stood first in the annual examination is eligible for the award.
What are the documents required for applying the Rajiv Gandhi scholarship scheme? |
1)Academic Mark Sheet
2)Passport size photo
3)Bank passbook copy
4)Identity proof
5)Bonafide certificate
6)Resident proof
7)Income certificate
8)Aadhaar card
How to Apply for Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship scheme? |
1)Applicants wishing to apply must confirm eligibility norms
2)Application forms will be available in the school
3)Fill the form and submit to the school office.