Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, has released various scholarships of pre-matric and post-matric scholarships for different category students.
1) Post-matric scholarship (other than Intermediate) for ST,SC,general category in UP
The students of this scholarship belong to the domicile of Uttar Pradesh in their graduation,post-graduation, Ph.D. or higher level.
Who can apply for this scholarship? |
1) An applicant must be a domicile of UP in graduation, postgraduation, Ph.D., or higher level qualification.
2) He/she belong to SC/ST/General category.
3) His or Her family income less than Rs 2 lakh per annum from all sources.
How can you apply? |
1) Visit the official website
2) Click on the student and click on new registration
3) Select the scholarship asked for
4) Fill all the required details and register.
5) Once registered, the students can log in using their registered email id and password.
6) Complete the application and submit
2) Post-matric other state scholarship for ST, SC, General category in Uttar Pradesh
Who can apply for this scholarship? |
1) You must study class 11 or above
2) You must belong to SC/ST/General category
3) His/Her family income less than Rs 2 lakh per annum from all sources.
What should be your eligibility criteria for getting Pre-matric scholarship in UP? |
1) The candidates of all category (General, SC, ST, OBC) can apply for this scholarship if they are the students of class 9 and class 10 in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
2) The annual income limit of his/her family should not cross Rs 2 lakhs.
What are the documents you required for pre-matric scholarship in UP? |
1) Self-declaration certificate by the student
2) Self-attested copy of previous academic mark sheet
3) Copy of Aadhaar Enrollment card/Aadhaar card/Aadhaar
4) Income certificate issued by designated state/UT authority.
Who is offered this scholarship? |
The scholarship is offered by the Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh.
Who can apply for this scholarship? |
1) You must be a domicile of Uttar Pradesh
2) You must study in class 9 and class 10
3) You must belong to the ST/SC/General category
4) Your family income should not more than Rs 1 lakh per annum
What are the documents required for the Pre-matric scholarship for SC, ST and General students in UP? |
1) Any Residential proof like as electricity bill, ration card, voter ID, Aadhaar card, pan card or driving license, gas connection bill
2) Caste certificate, caste validity, passport size photo
3) Income certificate and proof, mark sheet of previously qualified examination, current year fee receipt/admission letter, domicile, certificate, birth certificate, student ID proof, bank passbook of students, and parent.