How to get NEC stipend and Book Grant Scheme in Nagaland

NEC stipend and Book Grant Scheme in Nagaland introduced Schedule Tribe and General category students who are pursuing the higher professional course. The main objective is to cultivate the spirit of the national mix, global understanding and social duty among students, and so on.

Who is offering this scholarship?

The scholarship is provided by the Department of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Nagaland

Who can apply for this scholarship?

1) Scheduled Tribe and General category students of Nagaland State.
2) Schedule Tribe students who scored at least 60% marks in the last qualifying final exam and at least 75% marks for General category
3) Students who are pursuing Higher Professional courses like Diploma, Degree, Postgraduate, M.Phil or Ph.D

How can you apply to get this scholarship?

1) First, go to the website
2) You have to register yourself
3) Next click on “Online Services.”
4) Then select the NEC stipend and Book Grant scholarship scheme from Directorate of Higher Education
5) You have to complete the form and submit
6) Take a print out of the application and submit the copy to the institution

What are the documents to be needed to apply?

1) Attested photocopy of admission receipt
2) Attested photocopy of the school/college/university registration/affiliation certificate
3) Attested photocopy of the mark sheet, admit card from class 10 onwards
4) Attested photocopy of ST certificate and indigenous certificate

How can you contact them for any query?

Directorate of Higher Education
Below New Secretariat
Nagaland, Kohima
Email (Administrative Section):
Email (Scholarship Section):
Phone: 0370 227130