The Government of Himachal Pradesh has announced Indira Gandhi Uttkrisht Chhatravriti Yojna for Post Plus Two students scholarship to encourage the meritorious students. This scheme is for ten male toppers from the merit list of 10+2 Arts, Science and Commerce by the HP government and to the ten toppers (both Male & Female) from the merit list of B.A/B.Sc/B.Com
Who can apply for this scholarship? |
1) You must be a domicile of Himachal Pradesh
2) You have completed class 12 from the HP Board of School Education, Dharamshala or BA/BSC/BCom by HP University, Shimla
How to apply for getting IGUCYFPPTS scholarship? |
1) At first Log on to the website and read all the details of the award
2) Then click on Student login section
3) Click for New User Registration
4) Select the scholarship you want to avail
5) Then you have to choose ‘yes’ for Aadhar no. It is mandatory
6) Now you will fill other necessary details and register
7) Then you have to login again by entering your Login Id & Password
8) The student needs to fill the various information in the following order:
a) Primary details
b) Candidate details
c) Present Institution
d) Contact details
e) Bank details
f) Certificate details
9) Take a printout of Online Application form and submit the same along with all your documents to the respective Institution.
What are the documents required to apply for this scholarship? |
1) Passport Size Photo.
2) Aadhaar Card
3) Himachali Bonafide Certificate.
4) Previous years result from Matric onwards
5) Latest Bank Statement of the Students Bank Account.